Saturday, March 27, 2010

Rin Vs Tide

Rin Vs Tide...well we all saw the ad campaign by RIN a HUL product just betraying the product of P&G i.e. TIDE..with the tag line that RIN gives you more whiteness than TIDE and they claim that its is researched and proved...many of us were shocked to see it because we have seen this before but with fake name of the the war between the PEPSI and COCA COLA..but this is not the first time this has has happened before also..we recently saw the ad campaign between Horlics and which horlics claimed that it makes your children taller,stronger and sharper.complan won over horlics(not in sales terms but in share of noise)but well if you really see that many of us may have not pointed that ad campaingn out just because of its low frequency and also of the customer interest but if we really saw the frequency of the rin vs tide ad it was high and also they lauched this ad campaing during the Hockey world cup on 28th feb..which was one of the HUL strategy..this all started after the chennai high court on 25th feb,2010 asked tide naturals to modify its ad as it was not really able to substantiate the claim of "whiteness with special fragnance".the court granted an injunction and directed P&G to respond within three weeks.
well if we really see the marketing brains of both companies we may be surprised to see that P&G was just trying to swap the market by lauching Tide naturals but HUL strike back with RIN ad campaign.just adding salt to the P&G wounds.
if we really observe the ad,22 sec ot of 30 sec ad is dedicated to tide alone.that mean in around 75% of the time,the ad talks about tide.the ad even mentioned the USP of TIDE,"Fragnance and whitening property".then the rest 8 sec talks about rin.but that 8 sec really blasted the sales of Tide,
other thing that in the ad campaingn hurt Tide was the it focus on the basket of the indian women and also the way one tries to show that she is superior than the other as a mother and wife.
the way the child says to his mom,"Mummy Aunty choke kyu gayi".really show the effect.
everyone is saying that is it ethical to show these kinds of ad campaingn on national television but i want to ask everyone one question that What P&G did was ethical or not..they claimed that tide contains Lemon n Sandal but inturn it didnt had any thing new in it..they were trying to swap the 12 crore consumer market in india with claims matter what HUL didnt wasnt ethical but its all about a war. a war to swap 12 crore market in india..

well this case is going on in calcutta high court and results will be soon out and culprit will be guilty.
well as a management student...i learnt a lot from these kinds of ad campaingn as it make me think how to survive in the market really the small things on which this ad has focused is amazing to see and we can really learn a lot from all this ..its by hook or by crook...
the fight is to reach at the top...
its well said,Its not difficult to reach the top but its difficult to maintain and be at the top.

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